I'm Not Happy Anymore!
This ain't gonna stay for long.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

hello people :D
im chuakahleong.
its my first time posting here.

xinyu claims that she doesnt want to post about her ambition.
cos everyone will start laughing.
and i dontwant to post on my blog.
so i should post it here yup! :D

xinyu wants to be a beekeeper.
she'll catch bees and take care of them,
- i dont really believe she can/ she dare -
but after her kennard tells her about a girl, venus.
who catches bees with her barehands,
she got scared and say I DONTWANT TO BE A BEEKEEPER ANYMORE!

she also want to be a zookeeper.
but i think actually before the animals will bully her cos she dontknow how to take care of them,
poor animals.
its a disadvantage to the animals if xinyu becomes their zookeeper!
but i think she wont.

then she also want to be a pilot.
how can she ever be a pilot.
shes not tall enough -stupid-
+ her eyes are so bad xD
she bang into a pole without her knowing.
so she can neverever be a pilot.
if not the airline company that shes in will totally be sued till it folds.

then she wants to be a fish shop owner.
she likes tortoise too.
cos its her own species.
shes an auntiecactustortoise yup!
same kind.
shes like as slow and everything.
but fishes are prettier.
she can only be associated with the black black fish that eat fish shit.
its the appearance,
not the 伟大-ness yup xinyu dont think out of your brain.

then she wants to be a kindergarten teacher.
thats tiantian's mum k nevermind.
she wont be able to take care of those kinds.
when she open her eyes the kids will run.
when she start to talk the kids will cry while running.
when she start moving the kids will scream while cry and run away from her.
omg it feels like major.
G MAJOR! run = f#
D MAJOR! cry run = f# c#
A MAJOR! scream cry run = f# c# g#
yup omg i feel so cool.
k sorry just borrowing somewhere to practising whatever this kindergarten teacher not-to-be taught me :)

then she wants to be what baker.
like she will specialise in baking black and white stuff only.
cos whatever she bake will neverever turn golden brown.
cookies stay white.
muffins turn black.
cakes wont rise.
the list goes on.
even her b*l*v*d k*nnard doesnt want her to bake cookies for him.
this just shows how..
blah blah blah.
noone understood who was i talking about :)
cos its censored with STARS.
stars are of great help yay!

k i shall stop.
i feel very mean.
but its okay.
at least i didnt lie.
good job chuakahleong.

sorry youdontnag for using your blog to post some truth.
thanks (:

♥Proud 2I'09, Cabbie of Rvco, Cliquemate of Hazardous Eights!
♥Have been living in a cave for centuries,
♥Fetish for anime.

layout by Jacquelyn
Icon by Photobucket